Combination of honey with other natural resources:
Combination of honey and onion it works as a natural remedy for bacterial infection and also works as a fast recovery from erectile weaknesses.
It is good for the curing of cough, catarrh, cold, paediatri-teething problems in children and to burn fat in the body. for cough, catarrh and cold add two table spoonful of lime into ten spoon of honey one spoonful two times a day. for teething problems, mix honey with a lime juice, give it to child not less than six month. one spoon 2 times daily. for weight loss mix honey and lime water with little quantity of water, take 1/2 cup per day until u notice a change in your body.
For eye problem.mixture of honey and palm oil is very good for curing of any eye problem as a result of vitamin A deficiency, mix 1 bottle of honey and half bottle of palm oil together. take 1 spoon per day.
Its very good for curing stomach cancer. mix half of honey with a cup o fresh warm cow milk, add a spoonful of dried banana skin powder,stir it and drink the mixture, it should be repeated two times a day for a period of two month.
For curing urinary problem and asthma. Having pain or hardship when one is easing himself, mix a cup of honey with the seed of common cress powder(two big spoon). Take a spoon of the mixture three times daily.For asthma mix a cup of honey and two spoonful of the powder. Take 2 spoons 3 times a day with juice of snail mix with honey and take a spoon, 3 times daily.
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